Urdu Gharana

Romantic Eye Makeup Tutorials For Girls

Eyes are the most beautiful weapon of every women. Eyes are a great deal to flirtation as well. Here is giving you an easy eye makeup tutorial. so get little flirty, little nasty n try this tutorial

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Open These Pictures And Read The Text Below The Pictures For Romantic Eye Makeup Tips

Eye Makeup Tutorial For Girls 2011 300x223 makeup tips and tutorials

Eye Makeup Tutorial For Girls 2014

Romantic Eye Makeup Tutorial For Women 2011 300x160 makeup tips and tutorials

Romantic Eye Makeup Tutorial For Women 2014

Easy Eye Makeup Tips And Tutorial For Girls in Pakistan

Eyes has special power to cast a magic spell on other people. If your eyes look beautiful you can cast this magic spell anytime. Every women needs to know how to properly apply eye make-up. here is giving you an easy eye makeup tutorial along with pictures. Hopefully you’ll like our tips or eye makeup for girls in Pakistan.

Eye Makeup Tutorial For Girls Party Eye Makeup makeup tips and tutorials

Eye Makeup Tutorial For Girls – Party Eye Makeup
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Easy Eye Makeup Tutorial For Function makeup tips and tutorials

Easy Eye Makeup Tutorial For Function

Eye makeup Tips and Tutorials For Girls in Pakistan, Eye makeup tips for pakistani girls, Eye makeup Pictures for Women in Pakistan, party makeup for girls, eye party makeup for women, ladies makeup tips, makeup of eye lashes for women and girls in pakistan 2014 fashion

Tips for the problems of oily skin

People having Oily Skin normally faces problems like oil on the surface of their skin,they feel grease on their skin, have big skin pores, cosmetics do not stay on their skin after few hours. In order to get rid of these problems one should wash her face twice a day with a good skin cleanser. Do not clean your skin toughly to remove dirt and oil, as it would remove an extra amount of oil which your skin needs to exist. Use make-up removers or cleansers to rinse off make up from your skin.Use moisturizers in case of only dryness. Do not use moisturizers having oil in it. Use oil free moisturizers. To prevent your skin from acne problems and pimples use anti-acne facewashes and lotions.
One big problem of oily skin is the existence of big pores. In order to get rid off this problem use best quality mud masks once a week to close these opened big pores on your skin and it will also help you to clean away oil from your skin and it removes dead skin. Use sun blocks and sun screen lotions to avoid your skin from more damage.

Tips for the problems of oily skin at Style.pk  600x403 makeup tips and tutorials

Concealer Tips To Hide Your Skin Blemishes

how to choose the best concealer medium makeup tips and tutorials heath and beauty tips I can bet among all other beauty products, Concealer is the one, which if used in a right way can really help you hide your skin blemishes very easily and will make your skin look clean and vibrant. I am big fan of Concealer, here are some of my own concealer tips, which I have developed with the frequent use of Concealer.

  1. If you want to make your face appear brighter and vibrant then you should apply concealer underneath your eyes.
  2. If your skin is dry, then you should always use liquid concealer.
  3. If you want to hide your pimples, or scars on your faces, try the solid concealer.
  4. To hide dark circles, try to use concealer with yellow tone, it will give your skin a natural finish.
  5. If you want to give a reddy skin tone to your self, then try to use concealer with green and blue undertones.
These are some of the useful concealer tips that you can follow and overcome your timely skin problem. However, if you want to have a permanent solution for any of your skin problem, then we at style.pk have all the home made remedies for your skin care problems that you can use without any fear of side effects.

Electric blue eye make up with smokey ends

Make up and women are not said to be a separate thing. Where there is a women there is make up. There are many techniques to do pink eyes but how to do them with perfection is an art. Here is what you will have to do for the make up to be subtle giving you a new look with in 15 min.

FOR FACE:Always remember to cleanse your face, before applying any kind of make up it is essential for your skin, apply moisturizer on your face. Apply base or equalizer on your skin, dont go for a white base it would give you a loud look which is totally out. Be natural. Apply light pink blush on on your cheeks to give them a glowy look and enhance the lower eye part.

For Face: Apply the desired pink shade on your eyes, smudge it well all over he socket make sue that it does not fall on your cheeks, take a black shade and apply it on the corners carefully stroking the brush till eyes socket middle part.Do not darken your eyes a lot doing that will totally kill your eyes and make them look dead. Furthermore apply white eye-shade on the eye bone enhancing them further . Be sure that you smudge all the colours in to each other so that they don’t look different from each other. Last5 but not the least for the finishing look apply eye liner.
For lips: Apply pink lipstick do give your lips a rosy look icon smile makeup tips and tutorials

pink eye make up for girls121 makeup tips and tutorials

Pink eye make up for girls

shimmery pink eye make up with smokey ends eye makeup at Style.Pk  600x371 makeup tips and tutorials
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