Urdu Gharana

How To Give Yourself a Facial Massage

How To Give Yourself a Facial Massage

One key factor that we should always remember is; facial massage should be done once you have applied an application of cream and lotion, please do not try to massage your face without applying something greasy before. Our face skin is very sensitive and vulnerable, and if you fail to give proper protection to it, the skin will easily be traumatized. Massage basically invigorates the skin, improving the blood flow and facilitating the production of collagen and elastin.

Before we get to how to give yourself a facial massage, we need to know the reason behind giving these massages. There are 5 reason for which one should do facial massage.
  1.  It removes tension and stress
  2. It also helps in improving  your face complexion.
  3. It enhance the production of elastin and collagen
  4. Postpones the appearance of signs of aging.  
Following is some simple rules for how to give yourself a facial massage.

Neck massage

For neck massage, what you have to do is; stretch your fingers, but keep them firmly together and use them to massage your neck starting from the bottom and then slowly moving upwards. Try using the back of your hands for stroking your neck from bottom up

Massage of the chin

Next comes the massage for the chin. The first thing you have to do is to place your left fist under your chin, then use your right hands middle finger and stroke your chin bottom up and slowly all the way to the lower lip. Then next thing is place your middle, index and ring finger of both hands on your temple, so that you can reach your chin with your thumbs. With the help of your thumbs massage your chin thoroughly and properly.

Lip massage

For lines, start with the laugh lines. Use your fingers to gently in circular motion to smooth out laugh lines The place your let hand on your left check and trace your mouth with the index of your right hand. Do the same for the right chin i.e. trade hands and repeat the process.

Nose massage

The important factor in massage the nose and all its near by areas is that you should first use horizontal and then circular motion. Then gradually move from the side of your nostrils towards your cheekbones and finish at the base of your ears.

Cheek massage

Place your fist under your skin for securing the skin, and then proceed with soft circular motion starting at your chin working up to your earlobes. Then repeat the process, replacing circular motions with patting.

Eye massage

After closing your eyes start from the inner corners, apply gentle pressure and gradually move towards the  outer corners of your eyes. Then come back to your inner corner, but replace stroking with patting motions. Then head towards the outer corner with circular motions and return with the padding motion to the inner corner. Use only two of your fingers.

Forehead massage

The last tip for how to give yourself a facial massage if of forehead massage. First place fingers of both your hands in the center of forehead and then move your right hand finger towards the right temple, and the left hand towards the left temple. Repeat this process many times, using light patting as the motion.

How To Naturally Lighten Your Skin

How To Naturally Lighten Your Skin

Since this is Pakistani mentality, that a fairer a person is; the better he/she looks. Following are some tips which will tell you how to naturally lighten your skin. And the best thing about these tips is that they don’t have side effects. As they are made up of naturally stuff, they hardly have any side effects.

Lemon Honey Pack

The first tip which will answer your question how to naturally lighten your skin is Lemon Honey Pack. All you have to do is take 1 table spoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, then add a table spoon of honey to it. Also add t tablespoon of all purpose flour. Mix all of these things properly and then apply it to place where you plan to get get of tan. We are aware of the fact that lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent, which will help in getting rid of the tan, the flour aids in tightening skin on the other hand honey is used to nourish the skin. And the best thing about this pack is that it sits well with all kind of skins.

Split Pea Pack

How to naturally lighten your skin ? Why not try split pea pack. Take 2 tablespoons of dried split peas and grind them till they become fine powder. If case you don’t find or have split peas you can always go with the chick pea flour. Then you have to add 1 tablespoon of milk to the powder and few drops of olive oil. Add enough water to give the pack a smooth look. Apply the paste for 15 minutes and then wash it off with fresh water. Then, rub gently to reveal smooth, glowing skin. Over time, this will naturally lighten your skin. It is an ideal pack for dry to normal skin.

Tomato – Cucumber Pack

The last pack is the Tomato Cucumber Pack.  This is a fantastic pack for oily skinned beauties, and it is dead simple. Cut away a slice of tomato and a slice of cucumber. Puree them together.Then, strain it well and cool down the liquid till it is chilled. Using a cotton ball, apply this liquid on your skin. Leave it for 20 minutes before washing. Over time, this is a great skin clearing agent.

Home Treatments For The Delicate, Sensitive Skin of Eyes

Effective Home Treatments For The Delicate, Sensitive Skin Around The Eyes

The skin near your eyes is also the place where the first signs of aging appear. Bellow are mentioned of Effective Home Treatments For The Delicate, Sensitive Skin Around The Eyes.

Green tea and cucumber mask for tired eyes


½ of cucumber

1 bag of green tea

The first thing you have to do is to boil the tea, and then cool it. The next thing is that you peel the cucumber and slice it in circles. Now add those circles to the green tea brew. Keep the tea in the refrigerator until it is chilled. And then placed the cool tea soaked slices of cucumber onto your eyes for 10 minutes. No rinsing is required

Calming and hydrating potato mask for puffy eyes


½ of raw potato

1 tablespoon of moisturizer for sensitive skin

Mix the shred potato with the moisturizer. Spread the mixture on cotton makeup removal pads, and place that over your eyes for about 10 minutes. And then wash it off with cool water.

Whipped cream and parsley poultice for better circulation and less puffiness


2 teaspoons of whipped cream

1 teaspoon of fresh parsley

2 small pieces of gauze

Chop the parsley, and mix it with the whipped cream.  Wrap mixture in two pieces of gauze to form poultice. Place over the eyes for 10-15 minutes.

Nourishing mask with avocado and almond oil


5 drops of almond oil

3 slices of avocado

Blend avocado with olive oil and spread directly around the eyes. Leave on for 5 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Egg yolk and honey mask against wrinkles


1 egg yolk

2 tablespoons of honey

Blend ingredients and apply as a mask taking care to avoid contact with the eye. Leave on for 5-10 minutes and rinse


Different Types Of Moles

Different Types Of Moles

These moles can be of various size, shape and color. They can be of light brown, dark browns or even of black color. Following are the different types of moles.


The first type of mole among the different types of moles is Nevi.  This mole can be found singular or multiple spread throughout the whole body or concentrated mostly on the extremities. Their surface can be either flat or protruding as with warts. They are rarely covered with dark hair.


The next among the different types of moles is Lentigo. It is most common in people with dark skin tone. It is mostly round spot and is as big as a lentil bean. It can both be either very flat or slightly raised above the surface of your skin.Its color may vary from yellow-brown to dark-brown. It is usually hairless.

Cellular moles

Then we have cellular moles among the different types of moles. It is another birth-mark variety. It usually is in the shape of half sphere and is  a bit raised. It is soft to the touch with a smooth or ridged surface. Its color can be either the color of the skin, yellow-brown, grayish or dark-violet. The shape can vary from lentil-size to the size of a cherry. Cellular moles are likely to have hair and can be found all over the face and body.

Blue nevus

And the last type of mole among the different types of mole is Blue nevus. It is another type of mole which appears on the face in the shape of small lentil-sized knots. They have a bluish color which can be visible through the skin.

Foods For Having Smooth And Flawless Skin

Foods For Having Smooth And Flawless Skin

In case you are dieting it is very important that you eat healthy food. Following are some Foods For Having Smooth And Flawless Skin.


The first food among Foods For Having Smooth And Flawless Skin  is almonds. And i am sure most of us are aware of its benefits. Almonds help in increasing the retaining power of your brain. They are also very good where your skin is concerned as they have Vitamin E in abundance which is very good for your skin. Vitamin E also works as a skin block for you skin.Vitamin E also acts as an antioxidant which helps in protecting your skin cell from the UV light and other environmental factors which damage your skin cells.


Then we have carrots among Foods For Having Smooth And Flawless Skin . Carrots are very important for your skin. They add the freshness factor to your skin. Carrots are like the orange wonder wands. They are really good for eyeballs, also they can be very useful with acne problem. They are considered to be very good with breakouts. They have vitamin A in them, which help in preventing the overproduction of cells in the skin’s outer layer. These overproduced cells are the reason behind breakouts, these overproduced cell combine with sebum and result in clog pores, which latter results in acne.

Dark Chocolate

Now if you are a chocolate fan, you are in for a good news. The dark chocolate has antioxidants which help in reducing the roughness of your skin and also helps in protecting your skin against the sun damage. Researches says, that women who drink black coffee have better skin then other women, their skin has stronger resistance to UV rays than to women who didn’t drink dark chocolate. All you need an ounce a day of the dark chocolate.

Green Tea

Then among Foods For Having Smooth And Flawless Skin we have green tea. Green tea is not only good for your skin but it also helps in reducing weight. Green tea and antioxidants which help is fighting cancer. Studies show that drinking two to six cups of green tea daily will not only help you in reducing weight, and help prevent cancer but it also many reverse the effect of sun damage by neutralizing the changes that appear in sun exposed skin.
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