Urdu Gharana

7 Days to Healthier Skin

7 Days to Healthier Skin


Reconsider your cleanser and body wash. If you’ve been using the same harsh face wash since your teens, it’s probably not doing you any favors. In-fact its causing your more damage than it is helping. So, the first thing you should do it that you have to change your cleanser to something gentle. Also, Opt for a basic, moisturizing body wash, as well. It should leave your skin feeling soft.


You need to start exfoliating daily. Now that you’ve decided on a face and body wash, learn new ways to use them. We suggests cleansing daily with an oscillating brush to gently exfoliate your skin. You can either lather your face and then use the brush, or apply the product directly to the brush head. The brush will automatically shut off after two minutes.


Rather then taking bath with hot water, which really has a bad impact not only on your hair but also your skin you should cool down your shower. Hot water makes your skin dry, and dehydrated. It also makes your skin dark, so in case you are among those Pakistani women who have the fair complexion complex—- hot shower is not for you !!!


You need to take care of your diet. This is a very important thing when it comes to your skin. Your Skin will be look healthy only when your internal is healthy. So, make sure your eat, but what you eat is right.


Even though you’re now exfoliating every day, you should choose one day a week to do a deeper exfoliating treatment. We recommends using either a face scrub or a pad with some sort of acid like glycolic or alpha hydroxy. Not only will exfoliating remove dry, dead skin cells, it will also help your skin absorb anti-aging and moisturizing products better.


You need to upgrade your sunscreen if you are still having problems with your skin. But incase your problems have ceased you need not to upgrade i.e. change your sunscreen.


Since it is a holiday and you have ample time in the world to do as your please, we suggest that you do a mask peel off.

Dark Circles Under Eyes

Dark Circles Under Eyes

Following are the reason behind the occurrence of dark circles under your eyes.


 If you have Dark circles under eyes because you inherited them, then there is nothing you can do about it. You have no control over it.  To be sure whether the dark cycles under your eyes are heredity take a look at your parents or grandparents. In-case they have them too, so you have dark circles because you inherited them. The trait you got from your family, will worsen with time. Exposure to sun , and other environmental factors. All you can do is to take proper care of them so they don’t get worse.

Lack Of Sleep

This is one of the biggest reason behind having those hideous dark circles under eyes. Some doctors says this is the major reason behind having the dark circles under eyes. At it is also the most common known reason behind having dark circles. The paler your skin which means less sleep, the more your veins will show blood flowing under your eyes. And with time, if you do not alter your sleep patterns these dark circles will not only get permanent but will turn into dark holes under your eyes an even concelors won’t be able to cover them up. So, before the situation gets worst its important that you change your sleeping routine. 

The Sun

The famous adage “Stay Out Of Sun” has a direct effect on your dark circles. The more you go into sun the more chances are their of getting those dark circles under your eyes. These dark circles under eyes can really give your eyes a very bad look. The sun causes your skin to darken i.e. is the tan. Which in result causes the wrinkles and the dark circles under eyes.

Your Diet

Another very important factor which causes the dark circles under eyes is your diet The more junk you eat the more chances of getting those dark circles under your eyes are there. Without proper diet your skin will age before, will lose its freshness and thus cause those dark circles. And in-case you think your diet is proper then you should go to the doctors for whether advice.

10 Beauty Tips You Must Know

10 Beauty Tips You Must Know

Some girls are born beautiful and other make themselves. Though it may sound funny but it is true. There are zillions beauty tips over the internet and we have combined some of the most effective of these beauty tips. We have selected 10 Beauty Tips You Must Know in this article which are good and effective.

  1. The First Thing you should always do is; wash your face morning and night.
  2. Second and this one is a very important tip, never go to bed with your makeup on. Going to bed with your makeup on is the worst thing you can do to your skin.
  3. Since it is summer season here, it is important for you to wear sun cream with a SPF at-least 15.
  4. Make this a habit, you should apply sun cream 20-30 minutes before you go out. It takes this long for the cream to settle on your skin.
  5. Avoid using hot water to wash your face, as it dries your face.
  6. Use a clay mask for detox – clay draws all the impurities from your skin. Afterwards, add extra moisturizer.
  7.  If you react to a product, press a cold towel into your face for 20 seconds, then repeat four times. Leave your skin ‘naked’ until the reaction settles down.
  8. If you have sunburn, apply cool aloe vera juice. See my Yummy beauty recipes blog for how to make this. Leave the juice on – no need to wash off.
  9.  Exfoliate at least twice weekly. This gets rid of dead cells and your moisturizer will be absorbed efficiently. Your skin won’t feel as dry, & it gains a healthy color.
  10. Drink at least 2 liters of water daily. Why? You may use the best skin care in the world, but if you don’t have enough water your skin will be very dry

Best Cures For Bumpy Spots

Best Cures For Bumpy Spots

Though there are many ways for curing the problem of bumpy spots in your skin, but our focus would be on Best Cures For Bumpy Spots. And following are the Best Cures For Bumpy Spots.


Elbows are considered to be having the worst kind of bumpy spots, and the best cures for bumpy spots in this case is using really heavy-duty moisturizer like  Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream Skin Protect. Or the usual Vaseline will also do. Though Elizabeth Arden 8 hours Skin Protect is used for your complete body but it works best on your elbows. And for better results, use it right after you have taken a bath, when you skin is still damp. The lotion traps the moisture, tamping up the hydrating effects.


Then comes the heels, though many of us simply start to wear boots just so we can avoid the embarrassment of cracked heels.But this is not the solution. By the way, if you know many of us have almost 80 layers of accumulated dead skin on our feet. And this makes the cracked heel situation worse than you can imagine. So, among the best cures for bumpy spots especially this bumpy spot is Baby Foot Exfoliate Peel.  Every one of the exfoliate peel box contains gel-filled booties that you have to wear for almost an hour. And once you take off your socks, you dead skin falls off as well. And in-case you think that the exfoliate peel treatments is too intense for you, you can always opt for something less intense such as Margaret Dabbs Foot Oil. All you have to do is spray the oil on your feet and massage them for sometime.


Knees are another one of those bumpy spots who needs extra time, and attention. The reason your knees get dark and rough is because of all the accumulated dead skin cell, and the first thing you would like to do is to drown the bottle of lotion on your knees. Though it may not work. For this bumpy spot, the option among our best cures for bumpy spots is Bliss Hot Salt Scrub. Though can you use it all over your body but it is really effective where you knees are concerned. This self-heating get warms up as you do the massage, and because of the heated glycerin and sea salt grains, the dead skin starts to peel off.


Everyday Habits That Are Giving You Acne


Following are the everyday habits that are giving you acne problems.

Using Makeup Without Ingredients Which Cause Irritation.

There are certain ingredients lurking in the makeup and sunscreen you’re slathering on that are causing you to break out.Following are some of the things that you should look for when buying makeup.Because its important that you take care of your skin.
  1. Artificial Color – Look for FD&C in the ingredients list, which means the product has artificial color. This can irritate the skin and if it’s in your lipstick or blush, it can cause breakouts around your mouth or on your cheeks.
  2. Lanolin – This is basically the fancy term for sheep sebum (sebum = oil) and while it can be good for dry skin, it’s not right for acne-prone skin.
  3. Mineral Oil – This forms a film on your skin, trapping dead skin cells and bacteria (prime causes of acne) and it can also give you milia, those tiny white bumps on your skin.
  4. Petroleum – This is oil, and as you may have guessed, you don’t really need to be putting more oil on your face.
  5. Isopropyl Myristate – This can actually make your skin feel less greasy, but it also clogs pores and causes skin irritation.
  6. Artificial Fragrance – This can irritate your skin and cause breakouts. Try to use as many fragrance free products as possible.

Avoid Pressure

Another everyday habits that are giving you acne is pressure. Acne is caused by physical pressure on your face, be it from the cell phone you are constantly on, an instrument (like the violin), or simply a hand resting on your face as you glare into the TV or computer screen. This pressure not only exposes your skin to loads of bacteria, but the actual force of this bacteria against your face can cause you to break out. The solution: Well, the obvious one is to stop pressing bacteria-ridden objects against your skin. But if you really can’t avoid it, at least be diligent about cleaning surfaces well and often to minimize bacteria.


Stress is another everyday habits that are giving you acne is pressure reason behind having the break out. Its important that you try to avoid stress as much as possible. So, you’re already aware that stress gets your heart racing, your stomach churning, and causes wrinkles — but did you know that it also increases the hormones that can cause acne? So sad, so true.In-case you have no idea how to avoid stress, do exercise this is one of the best way to avoid stress. Do any activity you enjoy the most since that will help you get over the stress.

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