Urdu Gharana

Effective Homemade Skin Toners

Effective Homemade Skin Toners

Despite the market full of skin toners, many of your prefer the homemade remedies over the counter products. And trust me its not something you should be ashamed of. I myself am among people who go for homemade remedies then using the chemical products. Following are the some effective homemade skin toners.

  1. The first skin toner is the mixture of Cucumber and yogurt. Get a fresh cucumber and you will also be needing 1/2 cup of yogurt. This mixture is then applied as a mask all over the face for about 5-10 minutes. The results are drastic as it clears up the skin properly and is good to be used by people with oily skin. It can be stored in refrigerator for regular use.
  2. Then the second homemade skin toner among the effective homemade skin toners is the mixture of Hot Water and Mint Leave. This is considered to be the best skin toner so far. Let the mint leaves remain in the hot water for about 10 minutes such that it is fully absorbed. Now strain the water, out if it and you will find a clear mix of water and mint which is an excellent toner. Use this preparation with cotton pad to cleanse the face.
  3. Chamomile tea bag when is boiled in water for 5 minutes prepares a toner which wipes out the germs and dirt. The toner need not to be washed so that the effect can pertain for long.
  4.  Put a pinch of camphor in the bottle of rose water. This mixture can be applied 3- 4 times a day, and nurtures the skin leaving it rejuvenated. It is great for those suffering from acne.
  5.  Vinegar and rose water when mixed in equal measure forms a highly effective toner, which wipes out all the germs and tones the skin in the natural way.
  6.  Lemon juice can also be applied on the face directly. Apply lemon juice for about 10 minutes and scrub it off. Applying lemon juice on the face can lighten up the skin and let it glow.

How To Get Clear Skin With Natural Ingredients At Home

How To Get Clear Skin With Natural Ingredients At Home

There are many ingredient easily found in your house which are very useful for your skin. We have listed some of the most common and recommend ingredients for having a clear skin.Following are to tips on how to get clear skin with natural ingredients at home.

Mint :- The first ingredient in how to gt clear skin with natural ingredients at home is Mint. It is very useful for getting soft and clear skin. There are ways you can use mint to get neat and smooth skin. Rub mint juice on any part of your skin which is red or irritated, it acts as an anti-inflammatory beauty ingredient to repair the damaged area.

Water: This is a very vital ingredient for you  body, not only for your skin but also for your health. On should always keep his or her body hydrated.Dehydration can leave your skin dry and rough, if you want to have clear and smooth skin drink atleast 8 glasses of water daily.

Papaya: - Then we have Papaya as a natural ingredient for getting clear skin while sitting home. It contain Vitamin C which really plays a vital role where your skin is concerned. The enzyme papain in this tropical fruit helps in removing dead and damaged skin.

Turmeric:- I am sure most of you are aware of the benefits of turmeric for your skin. Using turmeric along with milk as a face mask can help in lightening blemishes and pigmentation on the skin.

Neem:- Neem is used to banish pimples and it also helps in getting rid of the clogged pores. Combination of curd and neem can really be useful for you skin.

Effective Anti-Aging Turmeric Mask For Women

Effective Anti-Aging Turmeric Mask For Women

This Effective Anti-Aging Turmeric Mask For Women is not a random internet tip or a homemade tip for anti aging. It is actually given to us by a famous Indian dermatologist. This pack is very easy to make and it is very effective too. After all had it not been effective i doubt a doctor would have suggest it. Following are the ingredients required for Effective Anti-Aging Turmeric Mask For Women.


  1. The first ingredient that is required for this marvelous pack is; 1 tablespoon gram flour 
  2. Then what you need is; ¼ teaspoon of turmeric 
  3. And lastly you need is; 2 teaspoons of milk 
Now we will tell you how to make this Effective Anti-Aging Turmeric Mask For Women. Following is the method to make it.


The method for making this excellent mask is very easy. It is also very easy to use this mask. Following is the meth for making this pack.
  1. Mix all the ingredients together and rub onto wet skin. 
  2. Leave it on for 10 minutes. Gently wipe off the mask with fingertips and then rinse the face with lukewarm water.
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