There are many women who often face the trouble of applying the lip liner in much effective and appropriate manner. Most of the women make the use of lip liner in so horrible that they get embarrassed in front of the person. Although, applying lip liner
is not a difficult task at all but the women still have to be conscious
enough to make the use of lip liner just within the lips direction. All
those women who think that they are bad in applying the lip liner they must follow the below mentioned steps that will teach about the method of lip liner applications.

How To Apply Lip Liner?
- Starting with, always make sure that the lip liner should be matched with the tone of the lipstick as well. Never make the use of such lip liner that is not covering the lipstick. If the lipstick has been brighter ones then use light shade of lip liner and if the lipstick has been switched with soft shade then always make the use of dark lip liner.
- Just sharp the lip pencil by giving it a perfect shape. It should be free from all the dust and bacteria that has been covered inside the pencil so that it can give finest and ideal shape.
- Firstly, give your attention at the upper line of the lips. Just keep the hands smooth and gentle so that the pencil can also move with the same smoothness.
- Now just repeat the same process with the down lip.
- If you feel that the lip liner has not been much prominent then you can even make the choice of doing a light second coating as well.
- Now spread the lip liner on the whole of the lips.
- Now take a tissue paper and smoothly apply it over the lips. This will give lighter tone to the lips.