How To Apply Liquid Eye Linear
Following are the steps for How To Apply Liquid Eye Linear.

Choosing Liquid Eyeliner
Once you have decided to apply the liquid eyeliner, now its important that you choose the right kind of liquid eyeliner. There are two main types of liquid eyeliner first Felt Tip
and second Dip-brush. Felt Tip liquid liner is like a marker, and has
the eyeliner fed through it like a pen. On the other hand the dip brush
liquid eyeliner is similar to nail polish in
that it comes with a small bottle of the eyeliner with a brush that
must be dipped in in between each application. This is also known as the
pan-cake linear.
Preparing your Eyes
It is important that you prepare your eyes before your apply the liner. Put on eyelid primer to help you eyeliner stick to your lid for the whole day, provided you plan to keep the liner on your eyes for the whole day.
The Right Position
One of the biggest problem when applying liquid liner is not having the right position.
If you are not in the right position your hands are not stable thus
resulting in unstable linear. To rectify this problem, rest your elbow
on a table and your hand on your cheek as you apply.
Drawing Dots and Connecting Them
It is preferred that you apply small dots
on your eyes in accord to the shape of the liner in stead of putting a
single small line. Latter you can easily connect those dots to get the
perfect shape of linear.
Smooth The lines
Once you have joined the dots, you can always smooth the lines of your eyes to your satisfactions without the risk of damaging the liner shape.
Apply Mascara
The last step is to apply mascara to give your eyes the perfect shape.