Have you ever feel that what would happen if you wake up early in the morning and you feel that even after sleeping for so many hours you are still facing the dark circles? Such dark circled eyes have been termed as the baggy eyes.
This trouble increases hugely when the women have to go for the office
or college and still her eyes appear to be sleepy. In all such
situations the best alternative would be the perfectly applied makeup
strokes. In this article we are sharing few of the main makeup tips that
would help all the baggy eyes women to look much beautiful after the makeup.
How To Apply Makeup For Baggy Eyes:
- Firstly, apply the concealer. This will help your eyes to get soften and slows down the pressure of dark circles as well.
- Now take the foundation that matches with the skin texture and apply it on such areas that necessarily need the foundation such as under the eyes, chin and around the cheeks.
- Make sure that firstly you will apply the foundation after the concealer because if you apply the concealer after the foundation then it will vanish away the affects of foundation and hence it will be eventually useless.
- Now take the nylon colored eye shadow and apply the brush around or under the eyes. Now softly blend the whole eye shadow with the help of the fingertips.
- So in this was at the end you can apply some little makeup in addition to all such steps.

On the whole this was all for the baggy
eyes makeup. We are sure that all such women and girls who are still
facing this troublesome they must follow the above mentioned makeup tips and we are sure that they will definitely discover themselves much stunning and catchy.